How to compost

What can be composted?

Before knowing how to compost we should know that what can be composted, what are greens and what are browns. The following table explain the materials that come under Greens and Browns. Greens are those that are rich in Nitrogen. Browns are those that are rich in Carbon. Avoid composting things that come under donot compost list.

How composting can be done?

For aeration put small holes of diameter 1/4 inch through out a container with lid . Add small quantity of compost or some cowdung for initiating the composting process to the equal quantity of Greens and browns and keep it closed so that flies donot reach it.Keep the mixture aerated but moist so that composting is done faster. Using this method,we will get home made compost out of our house waste within 45 days.
Or take an empty pot. Put some soil in the bottom. Place equal amount of greens and browns above that. Add some already done compost or some dried cowdung powder. Cover the mixture with the soil. Keep the pot aside for 45 days. This method will also work to reduce your waste and recycle what you produce and produce fruitful harvest.
Or dig a hole in the ground if you have enough space and put the mixture of greens and browns into it. Cover it with some cowdung and then with a layer of soil. After 45 days your compost is ready.

Why should we compost?

 What should I Do?

Our plants love this compost and the soil's immunity power will be increased. Then one should know how to get rid of insects and pests that infect the plants. We need not kill the insects instead we can drive them out by home made pest repellants.
Our rose plants showing its happiness after eating the compost by its blossoms.

How to prepare pest repellants?

Our Harvests 

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